Posted on 24 January 2012

Facebook 101 for Businesses.


I often get asked how to open a page for your business on Facebook, or how do I get more fans, or are my posts interesting enough, why don’t I get many people interacting on my page……….and the list goes on.

There is no easy answer, often its trial and error, everyone’s business is different and every business’ pages have different fans giving each page their own dynamics.

These are my tips on Facebook pages and what I have learnt over the years.

1. Obviously if a fan is on your page, they like your product, but don’t bombard them with lots of posts about sales and purchasing your product. This will turn them off. Don’t spam your sales.

2. Be consistent but don’t spam. People don’t like to open Facebook only to see their wall clogged with hundreds of posts from your business all minutes apart.  You will be unliked and loose many fans. If you have lots to say, space posts out, post the message on your blog and direct fans there to have a read.

3. Its not all about your business or your product, there is a person behind your business. Let your fans get to know you, create a relationship with your fans. Its a two way street, let your fans get to know you and you in turn will get to know your fans.

4. Don’t post a long winded status about how your feeling or something that has happened, share a photo or image instead. Images are worth a thousand words and this is true. Often if I see a long status from a business, I often either skim read it, totally missing the point, or just ignore the post totally and move along. But if there is a few words and an image, I’m more likely to stop, click the image and have a better look. Now that I’m on your page I may have a look around and see things that I may have missed or better still see something that I KNOW my friends would love so I will share your page. This is the whole point of a page, be interesting and your page will be shared.

5. Don’t air your dirty laundry on your page. If something has happened with a customer, please try and resolve the issue privately with them, not on your wall in a public forum. People don’t like confrontations and may make them uncomfortable reading about it and will in turn unlike your page.

Lastly and probably my biggest and most important tip. DO NOT participate in stupid tagging games, this is really annoying on peoples walls and will lead to unliking in the end. Sure you may gain fans at first but these are not true fans, your true fans will find tagging annoying and so will other businesses, don’t do it!

Have fun with it all, dont be so serious, after all it is social media so be sociable.

I hope this maybe useful to some businesses out there. These are just my tips, I am in no way an expert on Facebook or marketing. If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will do my best to answer them or find the answer for you.

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