Posted on 30 August 2011

MAKE: Recycling Broken Crayons

Hand Made Blog

With little ones around we all have crayons, and with crayons, be get lots of broken crayons.
You may have seen similar tutorials around the blogosphere. Basically you can melt down all those little pieces and make new crayons. This is a great way to recycle them and get more life out of them. These would also make great pressies in loot bags for parties or stocking fillers for Christmas.
They are super easy, quick and fun.

What you will need is:

  • Crayons – (here I used new ones)
  • Silicone moulds (please make sure they are silicone, plastic will melt!)
  • Knife
  • Chopping board
  • Baking tray (I lined mine for less mess)

Gather your materials and preheat your oven to 110C (Please be aware that oven temp’s and strengths vary)

Remove papers if your crayons are new and dice up into pieces small enough to fit into your moulds.

Bake for 10-15min depending on your oven. Do not over bake them.

Once they have melted, remove from the oven. Please be careful melted crayons are runny and like hot wax. It will burn.

Let your crayons cool for a few minutes until they start to solidify. Pop them into the freezer for 30 minutes to harden.

Once done, pop them out just like ice cubes.

Presto! Recycled Crayons.

Note: Moulds MUST be silicone, plastic will melt.
Oven times and temps will vary, use this as only a guide.
Please be careful taking them out of the oven, they are HOT and will burn.

So get cracking, gather your crayons and recycle!

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  • Amandaf 24 October 2011 at 11:33 AM

    Such a wonderful grass roots approach to recycling. They look fantastic.

    • Maryanne 24 October 2011 at 1:32 PM

      Thank you Amanda

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