Posted on 16 October 2009



Our next lot of fabulous handcrafted goodies is from Snailblazer. In the Snailblazer MadeIt shop you can find very sweet vintage inspired goodies, and I recommend keeping up with her blog to see what Cassandra has been creating.

How cool is this little unique creation that Cassandra from Snailblazer created?  It is a fabulous game for the kids.  The bag is placed flat to reveal a circle with matching patterns to the small bean bags, and the kids toss and match up.  I am sure it will create hours of fun.

As well as that clever item, Cassandra from Snail Blazer was busy and created some other really nifty items to go with her game such as hair accessories, eye patch and a gorgeous pencil roll that I am sure the mums of boys will love.


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